23 Feb 2017 BPC Action House Advanced Nuclear Statement in Energy and Environment
Passage of House Advanced Nuclear Innovation Bills Will Restore U.S. Leadership in Nuclear
Washington, D.C. – BPC Action applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for recently passing important advanced nuclear innovation provisions in H.R. 589, the Department of Energy Research and Innovation Act, and H.R. 590, Advanced Nuclear Technology Development Act of 2017. The bills would move nuclear innovation forward and restore U.S. leadership in this critical field.
Bipartisan Policy Center’s Energy Project Director Tracy Terry, and Senior Policy Analyst Sam Brinton, recently stated:
“The Bipartisan Policy Center has an extensive history in nuclear policy and is a strong supporter of energy research and development as well as nuclear energy innovation,” said Tracy Terry. “Although nuclear power – a significant source of carbon-free electricity – was developed and first commercialized in the United States, we are arguably losing the strategic and economic advantages of U.S. leadership in the field. And yet, today there are a myriad of students, technologists, and entrepreneurs in the United States who are anxious to develop, test, and commercialize advanced nuclear reactors encompassing a broad range of new and innovative reactor designs, fuel cycles, and materials. These advanced nuclear reactors will have inherent safety features to reduce the risk of accidents, improve nuclear waste management, and scale nuclear energy sources to make them more affordable.”
“Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX), Rep. Eddie Bernie Johnson (D-TX), Rep. Randy Weber’s (R-TX), Rep. Robert Latta (R-OH) and Rep. Jerry McNerney’s (D-CA) efforts will significantly improve the area of advanced nuclear energy policy,” said Sam Brinton. “The bills would coordinate the efforts of the government in its role to better support and regulate advanced nuclear designs. The strong bipartisan nature of House deliberations was evident at the hearings on the bills last year and BPC hopes this cooperation continues. It is clear the legislation would provide a foundational understanding of what we must do to advance nuclear innovation.”
After passage of H.R. 589, Rep. Weber stated, “America must maintain our nuclear capabilities, and continue to develop cutting edge technology here at home.”
BPC Action looks forward to continued conversations on this topic.
To speak with an expert or for further information please contact Justin Lee at (202) 379-1636 or jlee@bpcaction.org.