11 Dec 2018 An Important Step Toward an Improved Budget Process in Budget and Appropriations
The following is a statement from BPC Action Executive Director Michele Stockwell:
“BPC Action commends the House Budget Committee Chairman Steve Womack and Ranking Member John Yarmuth for their leadership on the introduction of the Bipartisan Budget and Appropriations Reform Act of 2018, H.R. 7191, and their commitment to budget process reforms. This legislation, which would move forward reforms with bipartisan, bicameral support, could be a first step toward restoring regular order to the budget process and ensuring that Congress works better for the American people.
The need for a reformed budget process is evident: there have been nearly 20 government shutdowns in the last four decades. Chairman Womack and Ranking Member Yarmuth’s dedication to reforms to fix this broken system, particularly a biennial budget and ensuring that Members and the public have a more fulsome picture of our nation’s fiscal health, is a significant step forward.
BPC Action encourages the next Congress to build on this progress by looking at reforms that would further improve the budget process, particularly when it comes to arcane elements like the federal debt limit. We stand ready to work with members on these critical issues.”