29 Jul 2020 BPC Action Applauds Bipartisan, Bicameral Repairing Existing Public Land by Adding Necessary Trees (REPLANT) Act of 2020 in Energy and Environment
BPC Action commends Sens. Udall (D-NM) and Portman (R-OH) and Reps. Panetta (D-CA), Simpson (R-ID), LaMalfa (R-CA), and Schrier (D-WA) for introducing the Repairing Existing Public Land by Adding Necessary Trees (REPLANT) Act of 2020. The bill advances U.S. reforestation efforts that will help maintain and restore our national forests, generate economic opportunities in rural areas and provide environmental and climate benefits through enhanced carbon sequestration, which are priorities of BPC’s Farm and Forest Carbon Solutions Initiative.
The REPLANT Act requires the U.S. Forest Service to reduce a backlog of 1.3 million acres in need of reforestation within the next decade, with priority given to forests degraded or destroyed by wildfires and other unplanned events. Notably, the legislation removes the cap (currently set at $30 million) on duties that USFS can take from specified wood products, meaning all duties will go to the Reforestation Trust Fund. This will modernize the fund and provide financial support for USFS to meet the reforestation backlog while maintaining current reforestation needs.
We are glad to see congressional support for reforestation activities that will bolster rural communities and mitigate climate impacts. BPC Action looks forward to working with Congress to pass this bill.