19 Dec 2019 BPC Action Applauds Congressional Passage of Increased Energy Innovation Funding in Budget and Appropriations, Energy and Environment
Congress passed a notable increase in federal research and development funding for the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E); carbon capture, use, and storage; carbon dioxide removal; energy storage; nuclear energy; DOE Loan Programs Office; DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office; and many other advanced energy technologies and innovations.
Advances in energy technologies have transformed the domestic and global energy markets, significantly strengthening the U.S. economy and affording us important new geopolitical opportunities. Energy innovation can continue to enhance the competitiveness of our private sector, particularly energy-intensive industries like manufacturing, while also bolstering our ability to export innovative low-carbon energy technologies and processes to the world. Furthermore, clean energy innovation will ensure the U.S. and broader global community have a diverse selection of technologies to reduce emissions.
The boost in federal funding will help the U.S. meet a projected increase in energy needs and address future energy and environmental challenges.