26 Jun 2018 BPC Action Applauds Senate Passage of the FY19 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill in Budget and Appropriations, Energy and Environment
The Senate approved its FY19 Energy and Water spending bill as part of a minibus including essential investments to boost American energy innovation. Strong federal investment such as these are crucial for national security and sustained economic growth.
The Senate bill significantly increases the Department of Energy’s Office of Science budget, as well as provides funding for critical investments in research programs that have already demonstrated success in accelerating the pace of energy technology breakthroughs. BPC Action applauds the Senate for supporting the Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) in the Office of Science, as well as advanced manufacturing programs in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy such as the Critical Materials energy innovation hub. We are also incredibly supportive of the Senate’s recommended funding level of $375 million for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E), which is consistent with BPC’s recommendation to significantly increase funding for this key agency.
BPC Action looks forward to working with Congress as they begin House and Senate deliberations on final funding for the development of high-impact advanced energy technologies.