30 Apr 2019 BPC Action Supports Energy Water Research Bill in Energy and Environment
Bipartisan Policy Center Associate Director for Energy Innovation, and energy-water nexus expert, Dr. Addison K. Stark, Ph.D. released the following statement on the H.R. 34, the Energy and Water Research Integration Act:
“We applaud the Energy and Water Research Integration Act, H.R. 34, sponsored by Reps. Johnson (D-TX) and Lucas (R-OK).
This bill correctly recognizes the interconnectedness of energy production and water utilization, and the need for a strategic focus at the federal level on R&D to develop technologies to decrease water consumption in energy production.
The Department of Energy (DOE) has played a critical role in supporting innovative technology to decouple electricity production from water consumption through efforts such as ARPA-E’s ARID program, and the Energy and Water Research Integration Act is needed to bolster DOE’s activities in this critical space.”