12 Sep 2018 BPC Action Commends the FY19 Energy and Water Appropriations Conference Report in Energy and Environment
BPC Action commends the FY19 Energy and Water Appropriations Conference report and its continued support of Department of Energy innovative research programs that enhance U.S. energy technology leadership, economic competitiveness, and national security for the benefit of all Americans.
In taking this action, appropriators are again recognizing that U.S. energy innovation and research programs are at the heart of today’s energy boom and crucial to creating new breakthroughs in coming years.
The bill provides increased funding vital for transformational energy research, the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), the energy innovation hubs, and the energy frontier research centers (EFRCs), which are filling critical gaps in the development of advanced energy technologies. These programs are complemented by work at the Office of Technology Transitions, which ensures that research investments are made accessible to the private sector for commercialization.
BPC Action hopes Congress will swiftly act to pass this important legislation.