24 Sep 2020 House Energy Package Step in Right Direction in Energy and Environment
BPC Action sees the House Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act as an important step in the right direction to scale up clean energy and boost economic growth while setting us on the path to mitigate the risks of climate change. The package incorporates over 40 House energy bills, many bipartisan, that would advance U.S. energy technological leadership.
Importantly the bill includes provisions to boost many critical advanced technologies, such as energy storage, solar and wind, geothermal, carbon capture utilization and storage, and advanced nuclear. It also includes provisions to accelerate deployment of clean energy technologies and reauthorizes the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E).
BPC Action looks forward to working with Congress to pass a bipartisan energy bill this year that puts the U.S. on a path to decarbonize while bolstering energy leadership and jobs. It has been over a decade since Congress updated our nation’s energy laws and now is the time to pass an update.