07 Apr 2017 ICYMI: Senator Kent Conrad Testifies on Capitol Hill in Economics and Finance
In case you missed it, the Senate Banking Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Policy hosted an insightful hearing this week on the state of retirement security in America. Former Senator Kent Conrad, Co-Chair of BPC’s Commission on Retirement Security and Personal Savings served as a hearing witness, outlining six major obstacles Americans face as they prepare for and enter retirement and the Commission’s recommendations to address these issues in a comprehensive and bipartisan way. Also testifying was Professor Walter Russell Mead, Distinguished Fellow at Hudson Institute, Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities, Bard College, and Editor-at-Large, The American Interest. Professor Mead described the history of the U.S. retirement system and how it fails to adequately meet the needs of Americans today, underscoring the need for bipartisan policy solutions for our 21stcentury workforce.
We were encouraged by the bipartisan collaboration and thoughtful attention to these important issues by Subcommittee Chairman Tom Cotton, Ranking Member Heidi Heitkamp, and members of the committee. You can find the hearing webcast and testimonies at: Senate Banking Committee: The Current State of Retirement Security in the United States.
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