Ralph Cavanagh serves on BPC Action’s Board of Directors.
Cavanagh served as a senior attorney and co-director of NRDC’s energy program from 1979 to 2023. Additionally, Cavanagh serves on the U.S. Secretary of Energy’s advisory board and the board of the Electricity Innovation Institute (E2I), and he is vice chair of the Portland-based Bonneville Environmental Foundation and of the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT), which unites representatives of the environmental, energy efficiency, and renewable energy communities.
He has held appointments as Visiting Professor of Law at Stanford and the University of California (Berkeley), and as Lecturer on Law at the Harvard Law School. Cavanagh is also a founding board member of the Northwest Energy Coalition and of E-Source, a Colorado-based energy services company. His awards include the Heinz Award for Public Policy and the Bonneville Power Administration’s Award for Exceptional Public Service.
Cavanagh received his bachelor’s and law degrees from Yale University.