14 Jul 2016 An Open Letter to the Presidential Candidates on Infrastructure in Infrastructure
“The next president of the United States will take office at a time of great opportunity—and great risk. While technological advances hold promise for a brighter future, America’s degrading infrastructure undermines our economic competitiveness and quality of life. The president will face difficult decisions about prioritizing investments to meet the needs of a growing population. With the fundamental importance that infrastructure has for our health, safety, economic mobility and more, we urge you to make modernizing America’s infrastructure a central feature of your campaigns, and, if elected, a priority within your first 100 days of office.
“For much of the last century, America’s infrastructure cultivated innovation. Our interstate highway system facilitated commerce and travel across the country. The nation’s power grid expanded until virtually every household had access to electricity. These investments helped this country raise the standard of living and become the strongest economy in the world.”