25 Jul 2018 BPC Action Applauds the Problem Solvers Caucus’ Latest Efforts to Reform Congress in Government Reform
BPC Action Executive Director Michele Stockwell issued the following statement on the package of rules reforms proposed by the Problem Solvers Caucus:
“BPC Action applauds the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, led by Caucus co-chairs Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Tom Reed (R-NY), for contributing reforms to the ongoing dialogue on improving the effectiveness of Congress. Efforts to give more members a say in the legislative process and encourage greater compromise across the aisle will help restore America’s faith in Congress.
“Congress needs to rethink its ability to govern amidst polarization and gridlock. Recognition of this led the Bipartisan Policy Center in 2014 to bring together public and private sector leaders and policy experts to develop a broad set of recommendations to improve the functionality of Congress. This included a call for more joint meetings between the two parties, a greater number of legislative working days, and more open and robust debate with opportunities for amendments in both the House and Senate.
“Congressional reforms are not politically easy and rightfully require careful thought and consideration. That is why BPC Action is working with a host of current and former members of Congress to educate the public on the need for a Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. BPC Action is also calling on voters to ask their elected officials to support this idea. This committee will be charged with proposing reforms that will enable Congress to avoid partisan-driven crises. Fortunately, this reform (H.Con. Res 28) is already in motion.
“The spirit of bipartisanship is alive in Washington, however, it is incumbent upon Congress to cultivate an environment where it can thrive. It is commendable that the leadership of the Problem Solvers Caucus is presenting a thoughtful set of reforms to inspire civility and effective government.”