14 Jun 2018 BPC Action Impact: June 2018 in Budget and Appropriations, Children, Government Reform, Health, Immigration, Infrastructure
BPC Helps Secure Bipartisan Win for Small Business Lending
The common sense, bipartisan regulatory relief bill that BPC Action advocated for is now law!
The bill offers regulatory relief to community banks and contains provisions BPC’s Financial Regulatory Reform Initiative called for on raising the level at which a financial institution is considered “too big to fail.”
During the debate, Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) called in BPC to write a letter of support for S.2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, and several Democratic and Republican members recognized our role in getting this initiative done in both the House and Senate.
Headway on Infrastructure
BPC Action is at the forefront of the debate on the 2018 Water Resources Development Act and advocating for the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act, giving communities another way to pay for critical water infrastructure.
Among our initiatives in this space, BPC Action is efforts by several bipartisan members to improve USDA programs delivering rural broadband service. We are providing external oversight to ensure that $10 billion for infrastructure under the Bipartisan Budget Agreement is invested in key programs like the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) and its water counterpart during FY19.
Other Successes:
President Trump’s recent infrastructure proposal mirrored BPC’s recommendations including an incentive fund for infrastructure innovation, requirements for life-cycle cost analyses, and a specific program targeting rural America.
The House bipartisan Problem Solvers’ Caucus included BPC’s recommendations regarding public private partnerships, ARPA-W, and rural technical assistance in their infrastructure plan.
Bipartisan Path Forward on DACA and Border Security
BPC Action has pushed zealously for a balanced approach to providing legalization for the Dreamers, and greater border security. We are working with several offices to reach a deal.
The bipartisan Senate amendment offered by Sens. Mike Rounds (R-SD) and Angus King (I-ME), on behalf of the Common Sense Coalition, pulled heavily from BPC recommendations, as did legislation introduced in the House by Reps. Will Hurd (R-TX) and Pete Aguilar (D-CA).
Most recently, we called on members of Congress to support Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA) in his efforts to force a debate on the House floor.
Sound Health Policy
With 19 million Americans currently served by Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, over 10 million beneficiaries attributed to a Medicare Accountable Care Organization (ACO), and 10,000 Americans aging into Medicare each day- many with multiple chronic conditions- the need for better, more coordinated care will only grow.
BPC Action is working closely with key committee and agency staff on the successful implementation of Medicare provisions enacted in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (BBA). This law includes BPC recommendations such as new flexibility for MA plans and ACOs to provide telehealth and non-clinical to improve care for the over 35 million Medicare patients with multiple chronic health conditions.
BPC is continuing to develop new policies through its Future of Health Care initiative. Upcoming this summer is a national survey of Americans’ views on reform and host an event on the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO’s) new health insurance modeling.
Addressing the Opioid Crisis
BPC Action is supporting critical policies to turn the tide of this national epidemic.
BPC recommendations are already reflected in over a dozen pending bills, and BPC Action is calling for Floor activity and reconciliation of House and Senate bills.
BPC Action has worked closely with key committee staff and Member offices to address the crisis with recommendations from BPC’s Governors’ Council, Appalachia Initiative, and Early Childhood Initiative. BPC Action has:
- Hosted briefings for Hill staff
- Submitted comment letters to committees
- Fielded technical assistance requests on legislative language
- Advised the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on reauthorization of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
- Issued statements of support for various measures, including the recent House Education and Workforce bill
Promoting Effective Government
BPC Action and BPC are dedicated to improving the culture of Congress so that it may function more effectively. Some of our efforts include:
- Congressional and Budget Reforms – BPC Action worked with Reps. Darin Lahood (R-IL) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL) to expand support for their legislation (H.Con Res 28) creating a Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress to examine and move forward reforms for a better functioning legislative branch. The Bipartisan Budget Act’s inclusion of a Joint Select Committee on the Budget and Appropriations Process Reform is an important step toward a more effective Congress, and BPC is providing policies and technical assistance to this effort.
- Constructive Dialogue on Health – To break the partisan gridlock on health care, BPC launched an off-the-record discussion series with a bipartisan group of about 20 health care Senate staff focusing on topics such as health care costs and delivery reform, price transparency, the opioids epidemic, and care for complex patients.
“In today’s often highly partisan environment, having the opportunity to meet in a more neutral setting with colleagues on both sides of the aisle and on both sides of the important health care issues of the day is invaluable.” – Senior Republican Staffer
BPC Action Support
BPC Action is calling for congressional action on these bipartisan measures:
- House and Senate Promoting Small Business Innovation Through Partnerships with National Labs Act
Read BPC Action statement - The Fossil Energy Research and Development Act
Read BPC Action statement
- The Utilizing Significant Emissions with Innovative Technologies (USE IT) Act
Read BPC Action statement
- The Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies Act
Read statement
- The Appalachia Opportunity Grants Act
Read BPC Action statement - The Department of Agriculture and Redevelopment Act
Read BPC Action statement - Better Access to Technical Training, Learning, and Entrepreneurship (BATTLE) for Servicemembers Act
Read BPC Action statement
- The Better Energy Storage Technology (BEST) Act
Read BPC Action statement
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